Friday, 4 January 2013

book cover project

with this task we were asked to re design three existing book covers the books i chose were Dan browns angels and demons, the lost symbol and digital fortress.

first i researched a few trilogy sets and narrowed it down to either Philip Pullmans spyglass trilogy, the lord of the rings trilogy or the Dan brown books. i went with Dan brown because i had read all these book sand knew the story their for felt i had an advantage with regards to relating the book cover to the story.
first of i printed a few different versions of publications of each book and decided what i liked about each one and what i didn't like so much this gave me an idea of what i could build on and what i didn't want cluttering my books.

the first book i decided to start with was Dan brown ANGELS AND DEMONS. first i looked at statues of angels in the Vatican and done a light sketch of a statue in st peters church just to get some inspiration but then i found myself drawn to this idea of gargoyles and what they were used for, they actually used them to ward of demons so its kind of like fighting evil with more evil. i like the idea of angels and demons at war with each other or tho I'm not religious  i find this part of it all very fascinating.

so for my front cover of this first book i chose this painting called fall of the rebel angels by peter Paul Rubens which depicts angels fighting demons back in to the abyss which really relates to this book quote well, but also its just an amazingly eye catching image which if i picked up in a book store would defiantly make me read the blurb.

but then i wanted to explore this whole idea of good and evil and two conflicting sides further and it made me think about my star sign Gemini which is pretty much a good side and a bad side with me this rings true because i can go from being the nicest person in the world to a really assy person very quickly weather this is because i am a Gemini i do not know but i thought i would play on that whole idea. so i got an image of yin and yang and cropped my face in to each side then put a slight tint of red on one and a slight tint of blue on the other to symbolise this star sign this was more research than anything.


with this project we were asked to first find famous company logos and brand names which were displayed in the colour red for example Levis or tesco and then take one letter from each one and compose an alphabet out of them.

after this we were asked to then find sayings with the word red in them these are the quotes that i found

Red rum
Red tape
Red carpet treatment
Not worth a red cent
Caught red-handed
Paint the town red
Red sky at night shepherds delight
Seeing red
Red sails in the sunset
Better dead then red ( cold war slogan)
Red lorry yellow lorry
As red as a beetroot
Red and green should not be seen without a colour in between
Red headed step child
Roll out the red carpet
Better a red face then a black heart

then we were asked to design imagery for five of the quotes and then use the alphabet we have composed to form the quotes on the image.

the main aim of this task i think was layout and making imagery and text work together. 

the sayings i used were caught red handed, seeing red, paint the town red, better dead then red and roll out the red carpet.

i think this project benefited me with regards to experimentation as i tried screen printing for the first time which i really enjoyed and gave me a broader range of medians to work with.

also i played around with composition which i had not really explored to its full effectiveness in my sketch book for the caught red handed image you can see that i sketched the text on to a b&w image a couple of times to find the perfect fit of imagery and text.

if i could do this task again i would defiantly spend more time on a few of them as i think certain images are stronger then others and personally i would like them all to be as strong as each other also have a bit more unity so they all work together.

these are the final images:

this image of the sunglasses is the one i screen printed 

john ruskin text

we have been set a task to create some typography for a quote of our choice from either john Ruskin or William Morris. the typography has to have the appropriate font, layout and colour to reflect and emphasise the original meaning.
we will have to also research Victorian typography and reflect on its specific properties.

the best 3 typography pieces from the group will then be displayed on the walls of the wmc college for the royal visit

i started this task by completing a small task set to show our ability to relate typography to meanings of words hear is a picture to show my work
i then started to look at Victorian typography and came across an image of this Victorian text updated in a way that makes it quite modern and fresh i decided to recreate this in pencil and then do my own take on it with my own kind of italic hand writing on a scroll 

this was the start of my research their will be more to come regarding the Victorian typography

i then moved on to finding a quote i liked and thought had a true meaning i decided to go with this quote by john Ruskin it goes like this " A LITTLE THOUGHT AND A LITTLE KINDNESS ARE OFTEN WORTH MORE THAN A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY". 
this stands out to me because i find it very true money can change people in so many cases for the worse making you forget kindness and your general thought for others well being not in all cases 
but in many. i then decided to hand draw this quote out in the italic/graffiti style i had used for the scroll on the image above.

so i decided to start designing my image with the help of my tutor tony and we came up with this for a first idea

i like this text because i wanted it to look bold and tall like the sketch i did of the Victorian text 

so i completed the text and have now made five quotes and placed them on cups to be used in the canteen in the college the colours used remind me of s coffee shop because they are very natural and earthy

i think this worked well because i have taken materials used in everyday and integrated my art/design in to them and then placed them back in the real world.

 i think this has showed me that i like making interactive design because the cups are designed to be used in the college canteen for tea and coffee. and i find when i have my morning cup of coffee that is my time to just sit and relax and think about the day ahead of me, these quotes on the cups are very thought provoking which i think works well.

all in all I'm happy with this project  i think if i did it again i would actually get hundreds made and try and get the college canteen to use them on a permanent basis

my work was actually put up on the walls of the college corridor and they even decided to buy my cups i designed with the quotes on so all in all this project was a success.
they only bought them for £30 pounds but i would have been more then happy to donate them to the college for free because i made them for the college in the first place but I'm glad because its my first bit of work i have sold.