Sunday, 2 June 2013

snap cards

 this project we were asked to design our own snap cards this is my final outcome. i decided to make typography snap for people who were not familiar with typography so each A was a different type and its matching card would be the name of the type written in that font and for people who did not want to be involved with the whole type aspect of the snap game i just colour coded each set. i think it worked really well from a graphic design point of view, and i really wanted to make these a learning thing rather than just a game of snap. i took inspiration from the snap cards you used to use in maths lessons to learn your times table and so on.

i chose 26 of the most commonly used types like cooper black for example is instantly recognisable due to the fact it is the font for easyjet.

this project came out well and i wanted to do typography with this project because this year i have sort of tried to avoid type as i am not the biggest fan of that whole aspect of graphic design but to my surprise i really enjoyed it and thought that as a product these snap cards really could be useful if i did this project again tho i would spend more time on it and actually get them printed design a box and try and see if i could manufacture and sell them to art shops like Cass art or something.

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